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The Module Directory provides structural alphabet phd dissertation on all taught modules offered by Queen Mary during the academic year Full details about the module can then be found by clicking on the green plus icon.
For full explanation of the module information for Associate students, please refer to the Associate guidance notes. Queen Mary Administrators: If you wish to update information in the module directory, please see the ARCS website. Credits: It aims at a better understanding of the major developments in society, politics, culture, and economy which have shaped the country up to today.
Students will reflect critically on contemporary issues in Germany, on the burden of the German past, and on the place of Germany in Europe. The module covers the Allied occupation after World War II, Germany's division into two states on opposing sides of the Cold War, the Westernization of the West and Sovietization of structural alphabet phd dissertation East, and the unexpected reunification.
Class readings include historical research and original sources as well as some literary texts and films. Different approaches, arguments, and controversies will be presented.
Assessment: Item 1: It aims at a better understanding of the major developments in society, politics, culture, and economy which shaped the country up to today. In the beginning, special attention will be paid to the origins and consequences of World War I, the challenges facing the Weimar republic, structural alphabet phd dissertation, Hitler's rise, the National Socialist Regime, World War II, and the Holocaust.
The module then turns to the Allied occupation, Germany's division into two states on opposing sides of the Cold War, the Westernization of the Structural alphabet phd dissertation and Sovietisation of the East, and the unexpected reunification.
It aims at a better understanding of the major developments in society, politics, culture, and economy which shaped the country from the accession of Kaiser Wilhelm II to the end of the Second World Structural alphabet phd dissertation. Special attention will be paid to the origins and consequences of World War I, the challenges facing the Weimar Republic, Hitler's rise, the National Socialist Regime, World War II, and the Holocaust.
Thinkers focused upon include eighteenth-century predecessors such as Immanuel Kant, Johann Gottfried Herder, J. Fichte, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Richard Price, Jeremy Bentham, as well as nineteenth- and twentieth-century thinkers such as John Stuart Mill, Walter Bagehot, John [Lord] Acton, Matthew Arnold, Giuseppe Mazzini, Alexis de Tocqueville, Auguste Comte, Thomas Hill Green, Henry Sidgwick, Frederic Harrison, J.
Seeley, Karl Marx, Herbert Spencer, Rabindranath Tagore, Ernest Barker, Alfred Zimmern, Otto Bauer, Harold Laski, Bertrand Russell, Elie Kedourie, John Plamenatz, Isaiah Berlin and others. From Michelangelo¿s sculpture of David on a public square in Florence, to Ridley Scott¿s dystopian vision of Los Angeles in Blade Runnervia Impressionist views of 19th-century Paris, and graffiti on the Berlin wall, we will be thinking about how artists have engaged with cities and how that has changed over time.
What crucial roles do artworks play in city space, whether political, commercial, structural alphabet phd dissertation, commemorative, or subversive? How has art shaped the history and development of cities? And what impact does it have on the experience of our urban environments? This module explores a range of urban sites and spaces squares, streets, walls, transport systems, parks and different kinds of artworks public sculpture, painting, monuments, street art, photography, filmwith case studies from cities around the world.
Students will have the opportunity to engage with their own urban environment and explore critical themes including: boundaries and borders; community and civic identity; crime and transgression; religion; memory; mobility; dystopia; and iconoclasm. Working alongside practitioners in the field, you will be introduced to the skills employed by public historians, such as curating exhibitions, creating digital resources, cataloguing archival materials, or participating in outreach.
The placement allows you to put into practice in a professional environment the knowledge and skills gained through the MA degree. Prior to embarking upon your placement, you will receive training in the practices and responsibilities of professionals working in history-related fields, and assistance in preparing an application for your placement from the options available.
The placement will be sixteen hours per week over a period of six weeks, and you will be supported throughout by the School of History. A range of placements with partner-organisations will be available, though students are not guaranteed their first choice.
These projects will be drawn from our staff's current research interests, and might include: compiling and analysing a database; preparing a biographical or bibliographical companion; conducting oral history interviews; translation or transcription of previously unpublished sources.
Prior to embarking upon the project, you will receive training in the methodological tools employed by historians, and assistance in preparing an application for your preferred project. A range of project options will be available, though students are not guaranteed their first choice.
You will choose to specialise in one of several streams, each taught by experts who will guide you through the important concepts, debates, and problems that engage historians working in that field today.
You'll be encouraged to reflect critically on key texts in the field, as you develop the historiographical awareness that will prepare you for your dissertation. Streams may include: Global Britain; Global History and Decolonisation; Modern America; Modern Europe, Medieval Europe, Medieval Islamic World, Material and Visual Culture; History of Emotions, Medicine and Science. This module will support you in the transition to postgraduate study, structural alphabet phd dissertation, as you acquire the skills and training required for the other modules on the MA programme, including the dissertation.
You will be encouraged to explore the perspectives and practices that you find most engaging, whether cultural, social, political, intellectual, structural alphabet phd dissertation some other form of historical inquiry. At the same time, we will reflect on the diversity of historical experience and interpretation, and the values that shape your own research and writing, structural alphabet phd dissertation. The module will also include site visits to London archives and museums.
Description: This QMUL Model special subject module will provide students with an understanding of fifteenth century English history, introducing one of the major sources for the period, the substantial letter collection of the Paston family. Personal letters were extremely rare before the mid-fifteenth century and this is an exceptional collection which, alongside other smaller collections relating to other structural alphabet phd dissertation and merchant families, are extensively used by historians to throw light on the political, social and economic history of England during a period of extensive social and political change, structural alphabet phd dissertation.
This module gives students the opportunity to engage with local history and heritage, structural alphabet phd dissertation, and meet with archivists to build up a network of professional contacts outside of the university.
This module MUST be taken in conjunction with HST History Research Dissertation. Description: Saladin's defeat of the Franks at Hattin and his subsequent conquest of Jerusalem on 2 October prompted Latin Europe to launch the Third Crusade. Across the West, tens of thousands took the cross for this expedition, among them Richard the Lionheart, structural alphabet phd dissertation, king of England.
The war that followed saw Saladin and Richard - two great champions of the age - contest control of the Holy Land. This special subject module explores the careers of both leaders and the wider history of the Third Crusade, structural alphabet phd dissertation, drawing upon the testimony of Christian and Muslim contemporaries. Topics explored will include: the role of jihad in Saladin's rise to power; the progress and significance of the siege of Acre; Richard¿s standing as a military genius; the nature of negotiation and diplomacy during the crusade; and the roles of myth and memory in constructing Richard¿s and Saladin¿s historical reputations.
Description: This special subject investigates the formation of early Islam and the interactions between Islam, Judaism and Christianity in the late antique and early medieval Near East, structural alphabet phd dissertation. We will follow how the minority Muslim rulers navigated relationships with the majority Jewish and Christian communities they ruled over through examining textual and archaeological structural alphabet phd dissertation sources.
We will employ a multi-disciplinary approach, drawing upon the methodologies of history, archaeology, anthropology and theology, and will be exploring such topics as: the formation of Islamic law and the place of non-Muslims within it; when and how the Muslim profession of faith developed; the debate surrounding the licit or illicit nature of images within Islam and what it held in common with contemporary Christian and Jewish debates over images; historically shared beliefs, traditions and celebrations amongst Jewish, Christian and Muslim communities; ethnic tensions between Arab and non-Arab Muslims; inter-religious marriage; and conflicts between these communities and how they were resolved.
Contemporary feminists still benefit from - while often critiquing - their legacy. In this module, we will explore activists' urgent and creative demands for change in all aspects of their lives, through their insistence that the personal was political. Throughout, we will use women¿s own testimonies to help us understand their ideas - including magazines, artwork and oral histories ¿ and consider the importance of women¿s history itself.
It will cover laboratory techniques designed to diagnose and model neuropathological diseases covering techniqiues such as PCR, imaging and animal models. The biology of neural cells will be covered such as demyelination, axonal transport and stem cell replacement. Clinical aspects cover trauma, Alzheimers Disease, Parkinson's Disease, motor neuron disease, Pick's disease and tautopathies.
Where did the language of rights come from? How have slavery and empire been justified - and criticised? Beginning with some of the earliest examples of political theorising in the ancient structural alphabet phd dissertation, and ending in the twentieth century, structural alphabet phd dissertation, this module introduces students to some of the most important thinkers and debates in the history of political thought.
Individual thinkers and major texts will be discussed each week, together with major debates and issues. Students will look at arguments and controversies as they unfolded in different historical circumstances, becoming familiar with the concepts, problems, and debates that have shaped political thought.
They will acquire a solid grounding in the development structural alphabet phd dissertation, and differences among, the various philosophical and ideological traditions that have shaped modern structural alphabet phd dissertation. From the mid-eighteenth century to structural alphabet phd dissertation present day, the spectre of 'piracy' haunted those states that sought to project power in a globalising, international order premised on notions of 'civilisation' on the one hand, and merciless state-violence on the other.
This module begins by examining how the British encountered and transformed seafaring communities in Asia¿in Indian, Arabian, Southeast Asian and Chinese waters¿before examining piracy¿s postcolonial role in shaping both international law and countercultures of resistance in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
Description: The War on Terror and the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq remain the most controversial issues of our time. International public debate about their cause, course and effect remains acute yet it is often political, partisan and rarely balanced or complex. The aim is to approach the most contentious events of the contemporary era with the historian's informed, detached understanding, structural alphabet phd dissertation.
That process begins with analysis of the origins of the modern Middle East and the post-Cold War conflicts which led to regional and international instability and the rise of terrorist organisations, principally Al-Qaeda.
Students will critically appraise a vast array of congressional and parliamentary material, and develop the skills needed to draw-up political briefs.
Description: The module is suitable for beginners in Japanese. Students are exposed to listening and reading items to develop their understanding, and they are involved in speaking and writing activities designed to develop their fluency and structural alphabet phd dissertation in both media.
The overall desired outcome is for learners to deal comfortably, confidently and competently at a basic level with the language required to cope effectively with a range of circumstances and situations.
In order to do this, the course is based on a syllabus framework which reflects the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages CEFR descriptors at A1 level. These descriptors describe levels of language proficiency in such a way as to be easily understood by the layperson and specialist alike. The syllabus is liberally supplemented with authentic and original recorded and textual material, designed to enhance the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing against a backdrop of a carefully designed and progressive grammar syllabus.
By the end of the module, students will be able to read simple texts in Japanese, they will also be able to understand simple spoken texts and have a basic general discussion about a variety of topics. They will learn the Hiragana and Katakana scripts and around 30 kanji Chinese structural alphabet phd dissertation. Rather than focusing solely structural alphabet phd dissertation European merchants, this module focuses more on how Africans experienced the Atlantic trade and the ways in which they challenged the oppressive systems under which they were forced to labour.
It provides a broadly chronological introduction to the ways in which Africans became slaves, the Middle Passage, and the establishment of plantations in the New World. It will make use of a vast array of primary sources, including slave narratives, photographs, structural alphabet phd dissertation, and abolitionist tracts, to examine the origins, form, and structure of the Atlantic trade from a global perspective.
What were the main problems, struggles and achievements in this period of German-Jewish history? Structural alphabet phd dissertation module will initially focus on debating the chances and limits of emancipation and assimilation of Jews in Imperial Germany and on discussing the so-called Jewish Renaissance in the Weimar Republic.
A survey of the expansion and the role of antisemitism and its political manifestations in German society will provide a platform for studying the Nazi take-over of power and the Holocaust. The module concludes with the post-war history of Jews in Germany, addressing contemporary challenges such as the integration of Russian-speaking Jews and the future of German Jewry.
Students consider the ethical questions that arise when approaching a challenging area of historical enquiry, and learn to identify information needs appropriate to different situations. They develop professional and informed attitudes, which enable them to evaluate the contemporary issues of emancipation, assimilation, and acculturation in a historical context, structural alphabet phd dissertation.
When Islam reached Algeria or Sudan and how the communities there responded? This module offers students the opportunity to explore the advent of Islam in two, often neglected, geographical areas - Africa and the Indian Subcontinent - in the medieval and early modern period Lectures will provide a chronological perspective, while seminars will focus on a range of thematic primary sources such as: Sufi poetry, historical chronicles, religious literature, letters, archaeological evidence, art and material history.
What are populism's core tenets as a political tradition? How has it shaped the historical trajectory of the United States? Is Donald Trump indeed a populist?
What are the deep-seated political currents that carried him to the White House? Roughly defined as the call for structural alphabet phd dissertation empowerment of ordinary people in all areas of life, populism has been one of the most influential and probably least understood social and ideological currents driving American politics since the early days of the republic.
This module will explore the history of populism in the United States from the founding to the contemporary moment. We will examine the ideas, individuals, social movements, party platforms, and controversies that defined the populist tradition, including, for example, Andrew Jackson and the bank wars of the s, the People's Party and the anti-monopoly campaigns of the s, structural alphabet phd dissertation, and Henry Ford's illiberal politics during the s.
We will reflect, in turn, on populism's multifaceted political valence and its profound imprint on American public life.
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Sean McWilliams is an Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy at West Virginia University (WVU). McWilliams earned his PhD in Physics from the University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA in , conducting both his dissertation research and a postdoctoral fellowship () at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center His PhD work focused on extending interior-point methods to efficiently solve new convex problems, and was awarded the Gene Golub dissertation award for his innovations. Before joining Insitro Santiago was a senior machine learning researcher at Apple Inc Arvanitika (/ ˌ ɑːr v ə ˈ n ɪ t ɪ k ə /; Arvanitika: αρbε̰ρίσ̈τ, romanized: arbërisht; Greek: αρβανίτικα, romanized: arvanítika), also known as Arvanitic, is the variety of Albanian traditionally spoken by the Arvanites, a population group in blogger.comtika is today endangered, as its speakers have been shifting to the use of Greek and most younger members of
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