Affirmative action is a policy to prevent discrimination on the basis of “color, religion, sex, or national origin.”. Overall, it favors minorities that are often discriminated. It might sound like an excellent policy; however, the use of this policy in the college admissions process. Read More Working Paper DOI /w Issue Date April Many countries mandate affirmative action in university admissions for traditionally disadvantaged groups. Little is known about either the efficacy or costs of these programs. This paper examines affirmative action in engineering colleges in India for "lower-caste" blogger.com by: That Essay On Affirmative Action In College Admissions is all! After that, you simply have to wait for the paper to be done. After that, you simply have to wait for the paper to be done. As you can see, it is extremely simple – so why not visit us right now and say, “I want to pay someone for ‘write my paper’?”/10()
Affirmative Action in Education: Evidence From Engineering College Admissions in India | NBER
Affirmative action refers to policies enacted by either institutions or legislators to benefit an underrepresented group in areas of education, business and employment. It includes taking into consideration factors such as religion, color, race, gender, national origin, and sexual orientation, which forms the history of discrimination.
Moore states that affirmative action is a procedure designed to level out the relics of discrimination and segregation. Affirmative action in college admission has raised many questions on its validity since it the root of postgraduate admissions and jobs Edwards, Institutions such as University of California and the University of Texas terminated their affirmative action admissions policies in the mid to late s Heather, This has seen the admission of the minority group to drop compared to when the policies were in place.
Formerly, the minority were given priority in college admissions to attain equity in the national level. Moore also notes that in s, the number of underrepresented students was increasing significantly in college admissions, but now the blacks are deprived of chances in colleges that cannot consider race as research paper on affirmative action in college admissions admission factor.
H 0 : Elimination of affirmative action does not reduce the number of the minorities in colleges. Most parents are not aware of affirmative action in college admission Edward, research paper on affirmative action in college admissions, ; therefore, this paper will help in creating awareness among parents. Secondly, the study will help various college administrations in the United State to change their view on affirmative action in college admissions.
Finally, the study will help both the federal and state governments to know the views of citizens concerning affirmative action in college admission, and probably, enact laws governing affirmative action policies in college admissions. Several studies have been carried out concerning affirmative action. A study done by Edwards shows that affirmative action in the United States was enacted in s and has been the topic of debates among the proponents and opponents of affirmative action.
Edwards found out that both the proponents and the opponents of affirmative action have the same opinion that more minorities successfully earning postsecondary degrees is an enviable result, but they disagree on the modalities of getting there.
Proponents argue that there are many benefits that accrue to the society because of affirmative action since it enhances diversity in educational institutions Edwards, Moreover, organizations that embrace affirmative action have realized great improvements in terms of productivity and market control Edwards, However, the opponents based argument on their perceived discriminative nature of affirmative action Edwards, They advocated for referenda to ban the affirmative action, which saw university of California board of Regents vote to eliminate all campus affirmative action programs based on race and sex in Mark, Despite the gains brought about by affirmative action to the African-American, opponents still argue that affirmative action has created a big gap between the middle-class and lower class African-Americans Edwards, research paper on affirmative action in college admissions, Therefore, to curb the declining number of the minority in colleges and employment sectors, some states came up with new ways to bring equity in the U.
Finally, a study done by Heather shows that the performance of students admitted, in colleges, by the affirmative action program is lower than that of non-affirmative students.
She found out that affirmative action students earned grade point averages GPAs of 0. Therefore, this research aimed at justifying the findings of Heather about the effects of affirmative action in college admissions. Data collection was carried out using questionnaires, survey and oral interviews within educational institutions sampled across the United States. Both structured and unstructured questions were used for effective data collection. Therefore, questionnaire was the main data collection instrument.
Data collection procedure involved consideration of both primary data and secondary data. This data was then analyzed to help in answering the research questions, research paper on affirmative action in college admissions. The collected data was evaluated, assessed and comparison made to select the most accurate information from the feedback given by respondents. The data obtained was then analyzed using Ms Excel after which the findings were presented using charts as shown below.
The data collected was handled with utmost confidentiality to ensure that the information collected was not seen by unauthorized parties. Secondly, the respondents were notified in advance about the research for easy collection of data by the researcher.
Finally, the researcher upheld honesty throughout the exercise of data collection to guarantee accurate research findings and guard against any possible biasness in data analysis and interpretation. Affirmative action in college admission refers to a policy developed by the institutions of higher and elementary education in the U. in an attempt to ensure equity in the admission of students from all categories of social and cultural backgrounds- both the minority and mainstream ethnic groups alike.
In the essence, affirmative action was meant to restore the lingering vestiges of research paper on affirmative action in college admissions and create opportunities for the underrepresented groups Moore, The study findings show that the number of the minorities admitted in colleges increased courtesy of affirmative action. In sharp contrast, population of the minorities is dwindling in both California and Texas due to the mounting pressure from the states legislators to have affirmative action policies scrapped off in education sector, research paper on affirmative action in college admissions.
The result shows that between and the number of black non-Hispanic students admitted in California colleges hit and between and On the other hand, the number of the white Non-Hispanic students admitted in California colleges increased fromtouninterrupted. Consequently, colleges are stunned by the decline in the number of the minorities in their institutions hence they are formulating remedial measures to diversify their admissions along the racial lines.
From the research findings, it is lucid that affirmative action played a plausible role in creating diversity in colleges. The research recommends that both the federal and the state governments should adopt affirmative action in college admissions. This will ensure that ethnic diversity is restored in colleges, and perhaps, research paper on affirmative action in college admissions, in the job market.
In Education. Research paper on affirmative action in college admissions Language and the Learning Process. Learning from Life Lessons GPA and Future Salaries Gender Issues in Education Assessment in Special Education Fostering Active Learning within Schools.
Does Affirmative Action Hurt Asian Americans?
, time: 5:59Affirmative Action in College Admissions - Examples & Papers

That Essay On Affirmative Action In College Admissions is all! After that, you simply have to wait for the paper to be done. After that, you simply have to wait for the paper to be done. As you can see, it is extremely simple – so why not visit us right now and say, “I want to pay someone for ‘write my paper’?”/10() How did the Supreme Court rule on affirmative action in college admissions? Affirmative action as a practice was partially upheld by the Supreme Court in Grutter v. Bollinger (), while the use of racial quotas for college admissions was concurrently ruled unconstitutional by In recent discussions of affirmative action, a controversial issue has been whether it promotes diversity, racial or economic, on campuses when pertaining to college admissions. On the one hand, some argue that affirmative action provides a benefit for those who historically endure discrimination
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