Mar 25, · Digital forensics. In this week’s readings (Chapter 3 and 4 of the text), you first learn what digital evidence is, not in the physical sense but in the legal sense, and then what steps you should take to identify and collect it. Testimonial Evidence – Testimony or a statement provided by an individual detailing what they observed or Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins PhD Thesis. Digital Forensics Practices: A Road Map for Building Digital Forensics Capability. Ahmed Jasim Almarzooqi. A Doctoral Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Award of Doctor of Philosophy. Faculty of Technology. De Montfort University. Leicester, United Kingdome. 1st November, PhD Guidance in Digital Forensics assists you to certify as a best research fellow in various areas of forensics. Digital forensics is investigation of data found after the crime or cyber-attack. After investigation recover and encompasses from the crime. Due to its significance we also need to develop tools and invent new effective solution to identification of crime. If you are currently a PhD student, want to do research also on digital forensics Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
Digital forensics | Custom PHD Thesis
As you read in Chapter 3, there are four basic classifications of evidence that can be applied to items of potential investigative value: Testimonial Evidence — Testimony or a statement provided by an individual detailing what they observed or experienced through any of their senses. For example, phd thesis in digital forensics, a witness may have heard tires phd thesis in digital forensics and a loud crash but not actually have seen the accident.
Testimonial evidence can be significant as either direct or corroborating evidence. In addition, expert testimony can be provided that allows a subject matter expert vetted and accepted by the court to offer opinions and interpretations e. Real Evidence — Physical evidence. Examples would be a murder weapon, a hard disk drive, fingerprints, blood or other bodily fluids, clothing, stolen property, etc.
Documentary Evidence — Documents such as records, checks, or photographs that are like real evidence in that it may be a physical item e. For example, you examine and create potential documentary evidence each time you balance your checkbook. Demonstrative Evidence — Evidence that utilizes or requires a demonstration, such as the use of a chart or map, to help prove what happened. Demonstrative evidence is most often created by an expert witness; an example might be using a dummy to show how a person was standing when he was shot, phd thesis in digital forensics, or it could be a flow chart showing how money was moved between different accounts.
All four types of evidence could be, and frequently are, used together in court to prove or disprove the facts of a case, phd thesis in digital forensics. You are a digital forensic examiner and have been asked to examine a hard drive for potential evidence. Give examples of phd thesis in digital forensics the hard drive or the data on it could be used as or lead to the presentation of all four types of evidence in court. If you do not believe one or more of the types of evidence would be included, explain why not.
Another part of Chapter 3 discusses search and seizure or the ability to retrieve evidence. Over the past two weeks, many of you have mentioned search warrants in your discussions. The Fourth Amendment to the U. However, there is no phd thesis in digital forensics for a private person or organization to obtain a search warrant or work under the same constraints. Further, the line can be blurred, as a private person or organization that searches property or seizes evidence not needing a warrant could subsequently turn it over to the Government, phd thesis in digital forensics.
In fact, they could do so even if the search was not legal under the Constitution, or even if they did not have the right to enter the place to be searched or committed civil trespass.
Although it may seem counterintuitive and like a severe violation of individual rights, the only time the Fourth Amendment applies to a private party is if the private party is acting as an agent for the Government or law enforcement such phd thesis in digital forensics a Government contractor or a citizen asked by a police detective to gather information for a specific purpose or investigation.
There are, of course, exceptions to the requirements on the Phd thesis in digital forensics to obtain a search warrant prior to searching or seizing evidence. For example, the Government would not need a search warrant when a person with proper authority gives consent to conduct the search e.
Another exception is when there phd thesis in digital forensics exigent circumstances present that, if the time was taken to obtain a proper warrant, could result in the destruction of evidence or harm to another person; however, it should be noted that searches undertaken due to exigent circumstances must be followed-up with a legally obtained warrant as soon as the exigent circumstance has been effectively neutralized.
Exigent circumstances could come into play in a digital evidence case when for example the owner of a computer likely containing digital evidence knows of the investigation and could delete the evidence from his storage devices before a warrant could be obtained. However, while the storage devices could most likely be seized without a warrant to prevent data destruction, this exigent circumstance is not a valid reason to conduct a forensic analysis of the storage media and a warrant should be obtained immediately.
If evidence is not seized properly it may not be admissible in court. Therefore, it is important to know the rules governing what you can and cannot do whether you are a private entity or an instrument of the Governmentas well as being able to explain why you took the steps you did in order to sufficiently your actions from a legal perspective.
This is also helpful in minimizing any potential civil liability. After you seize a computer or device and have obtained the proper authority to conduct phd thesis in digital forensics search of the contents, you must then be able to testify that your next steps were forensically sound and within the scope of your search authority whether granted by consent or warrant. Unless special precautions are taken, you risk changing digital data on a device each time you access it.
Chapter 4 discusses common tasks facing a digital investigator, such as identifying different types of devices you should look for when conducting a search, as well as preservation and analysis of those devices.
You have been asked to assist a law enforcement team serving a search warrant related to a child pornography investigation. You are the digital forensic expert for the team, and, as such, have been assigned the task of identifying and collecting the digital evidence at the search location.
What steps should you take before the search? For what types of phd thesis in digital forensics should you be alert when searching the residence? What types of items would you seize?
Q2 This week your text focuses on the techniques and tools you would use to collect, preserve, and analyze digital evidence. While this class does not focus as heavily on the highly technical aspects of digital forensics e. Of course, it is critical that computer forensic examiners understand processes such as capturing volatile data, recognizing and collecting digital evidence, analyzing the evidence once it is collected, etc.
You should all understand the need to verify what a warrant will allow you to search for and seize in a criminal case ensuring that you do not exceed the scope and potentially compromise your case.
In either case, you need to able to testify about all the steps you took, from the point when you were first notified of the incident or called in to collect the digital evidence, until the time you are called to testify about it. Digital evidence must not just be simply collected e. Describe at least 5 steps in a process to collect digital evidence to the time you testify that you consider important.
Please explain why they are important. You are a witness and I am asking the following question- please answer as if you are on the witness stand. Upon entering the room where the computer was located, phd thesis in digital forensics, what was the first thing you did? After seizing the computer evidence, what did you do with it? Interestingly, the use of stego goes much farther back than the use of computers.
Like cryptology, steganography is used to hide something in something else. So, even though a code breaker can detect the hidden code, they may not be aware that phd thesis in digital forensics code actually contains a different message. Cryptography scrambles a message so that it is unreadable, phd thesis in digital forensics, but still visible, while stego camouflages data to hide it or make it undetectable. This course is not meant to teach you about the technical details of encryption or passwords or steganography entire books are written on each of those subjectsbut rather to help you understand their place in the criminal justice process.
Does a warrant give you the authority to break passwords protecting information or to decipher encrypted data? This is a very important question. As many of you have discussed, it is important to make sure you know the limits of your warrant. But while you are conducting a search with a properly executed warrant, you may come across other information that is not included in your scope but is still evidence of a crime. For example, imagine you are searching a hard drive for information related to a fraud scheme.
While you are looking through the files you come across a picture that is obviously child porn, but you do not have child porn addressed in any way by your warrant. What do you do? The proper response is to stop the search and obtain another warrant for evidence related to child pornography. The same thing applies to discovering encrypted data.
In your affidavit you should explain that criminals sometimes encrypt files that contain evidence. Some may even use stego techniques to hide other files. This week I would like you to do some research on encryption and steganography. First, list five 5 examples each of how steganography and encryption or phd thesis in digital forensics were used BEFORE the advent of computers. Then, discuss how stegonography or encryption could be used legitimately, and why this could cause you a problem as a computer forensic examiner.
Q4 This week you are reading about the forensic tools used by Computer Forensics Examiners. Once you have properly identified and collected digital evidence, the next step is to analyze it. It does not really matter if you are performing analysis as part of a criminal investigation or as part of a corporate investigation; you should always follow the same protocols. An emphasis in this course is on helping you understand why using an analysis protocol is important.
Remember, you should NEVER, EVER work on original evidence, if it can be avoided by any means; instead, phd thesis in digital forensics, use a forensic image. When you work on the image, phd thesis in digital forensics, you pick the tools you will use. During your analysis, you should document every step you take and all of your findings. However, this should always be supplemented with your own notes and documentation. This week, I would like you to discuss why you need to use phd thesis in digital forensics write blocker either hardware or software in your examinations, whether for a criminal case or a corporate case.
Also, imagine you are a computer forensic examiner receiving a suspect hard disk drive from a detective in your department. The drive was seized properly during a legally executed search warrant. The detective signs the chain of custody log and hands you the drive, phd thesis in digital forensics. Your job is to accept the drive, conduct an analysis, and maintain the drive until trial.
Please explain the steps you would take, from receipt until testimony, including the reasons why you would take each step. For example, what phd thesis in digital forensics you check for when you sign for the drive on the chain of custody?
Q5 This final conference deals with the final issue any computer forensics examiner or any other witness to an event will face — testifying under oath to what you know. Each person who testifies is a witness and as we discussed several weeks ago, will present testimonial evidence. As an expert witness, phd thesis in digital forensics, which is how a computer forensic examiner will be generally be presented, you are not providing eye-witness testimony to a crime, but are testifying about what you as an expert found or did not find during your collection, preservation, and examination of physical evidence.
Phd thesis in digital forensics you testify on behalf of the government or defense, you will first testify on direct examination- that means the attorney who called you to the stand has to lay certain groundwork to get your testimony about your examination of the evidence before the jury. What are some of the questions do you think you would be asked initially on direct examination?
Once the preliminary questions have been asked and answered the attorney handling the direct examination will then turn over examination to the defense. This is often done before you are allowed to answer questions about the actual evidence or case before the court. The reason this is done in this matter is that you are first being presented to the court as an expert in some field.
The opposing counsel gets to cross-examine you to try to defeat your being named as an expert. Incases where you ahve already been determined to be an expert by the court on previous occasions, phd thesis in digital forensics, there is less chance the ooposing counsel will be successful.
But, for a new examiner, the first couple of times before the court will be mor demanding as to your expertise. What kind of questions do you think the opposing counsel will ask you? Remember on cross examination opposing counsel can ask leading questions to challenge your expertise. After both sides had a chance to question your bone fides as an expert, the counsel wishing you to be accepted will make a motion that you be accepted as an expert.
Once that is complete, you will be asked about the matter at hand. This is also where the opposing counsel phd thesis in digital forensics be especially alert for any weakness ir contradictions in your testimony. How do you think it is important for you to testify to limit any contradictions?
3 Minute Thesis - the use of digital forensics in the investigation and prosecution of major crimes
, time: 3:07PhD Guidance in Digital Forensics (Research Support)

PhD Guidance in Digital Forensics assists you to certify as a best research fellow in various areas of forensics. Digital forensics is investigation of data found after the crime or cyber-attack. After investigation recover and encompasses from the crime. Due to its significance we also need to develop tools and invent new effective solution to identification of crime. If you are currently a PhD student, want to do research also on digital forensics Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins In this thesis, a framework for the validation of network artifacts in digital forensics investigations is presented. The main hypothesis of this thesis is that the validity of network artifacts can be determined based on stochastic and probabilistic modeling of internal consistency of artifacts. This framework consists of three phases, namely: data Phd Thesis In Digital Forensics you a 10% OFF coupon with an exclusive promo code. Use it Phd Thesis In Digital Forensics when placing your order and discover all the benefits of our company. Erin Shady Head of Sales Department. Take 10% OFF your first order! Type your email to get an exclusive code/10()
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