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Explore the solar system and learn the order of the planets. Find out which planets are the rocky planets and how to identify them. Find out which planets are the gas planets and what makes them different from the rest. Find out how the Sun is a star that gives out heat and light. Tim Peake and Fran Scott explore the explosive power of rocket fuel and how astronauts get to the International Space Station.
Tim Peake and Fran Scott explore the effect of space on the body. Tim Peake and Fran Scott explore what sound and light waves tell us about space, help with science homework ks2. Tim Peake and Fran Scott explore outer space and comets.
Tim Peake and Fran Scott explore how astronauts make the trip from the International Space Station back to Earth.
Select from the list of questions to find out about Tim Peake's mission to the International Space Station. We have a selection of great videos for use in the classroom. Play our cool KS1 and KS2 games to help you with Maths, English and more. Change language English Cymraeg Gaeilge Gàidhlig.
What is the solar system? What are the rocky planets? What are the gas planets? What is the Sun? How do reactions power rockets? How do you stay alive in space? Do waves hold help with science homework ks2 secrets of space?
Can you make outer space in your kitchen? How do astronauts get home? Tim Peake: Ask an astronaut, help with science homework ks2. Links Bitesize Primary games!
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Win 1 0f 10 copies of the Science Museum Book of Discoveries by Tim Cooke Explore the world's most significant, innovative and amazing discoveries in association with the Science Museum. Enter for a chance to win a copy worth £ (rrp) Key Stage 2 – Revision Quizzes that are FUN. KS2 quizzes written by teachers for years 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the curriculum. Say goodbye to monotonous worksheets and say hello to faster and more effective revision. Our quizzes are boredom busters. We bring education to life with the use of quiz questions, pictures and engaging feedback Free Interactive Primary or Elementary Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Numeracy, Maths, Literacy, English, Science, Religious Education, Geography, Design Technology, Spanish, French and History teaching resources and kids fun games
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