Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Example of reflection paper about a video

Example of reflection paper about a video

example of reflection paper about a video

Writing a reflection paper on a movie gift you the opportunity to express your unique opinions, experiences, and thoughts towards the movie. Also, so long as you stay relevant to the subject, you can choose to interact with the readers by vividly describing relatable personal experiences. In your expression of the ideas, feelings, and opinions During the second video reflection, we gave students photographs of themselves at work during the camp. Figure 3 shows an example of a photograph that was used as a prompt. In this video reflection in particular, students expressed surprise and amazement at Example Of Reflection Paper About A Video - Sp3 Midterm Reflection Essay. Besides schoolwork, writing reflective essays on movies is a great way for students to enhance. For instance, you may tell them about a certain situation and then write, whether you

Example Of Reflection Paper About A Video - Sp3 Midterm Reflection Essay

So I chose a funny topic for the students. I think the first step is to attract their attentions. To tell a story at the very beginning would be a best choice for me to make the presentation be more vivid and interesting. At the same time, this topic would remind the students of realities at home. From the comparison with their real experiences, students could get more deep understanding about the subject.

Moreover, I would like to put myself in the place of students, in order to find something more interesting while learning. After choosing this topic, I found those cartoons which may be more animated for the students.

During the whole process, I always liked to change the transmission between each slide, so that it would make the video more fluent when students saw it. Some slides should be played more slowly, because they were the key part of the whole video, and if there were more narrative words in the slide, I should make it play more slowly, so that every student could see clearly.

After the cartoons, I added some real pictures as the professor suggested, I thought they made the sequencing more naturally to our real lives, which would help students transmit their knowledge from their own experiences. At the end of the video, I put some questions about both cartoons and real life experiences, so that it example of reflection paper about a video make the video be more complete.

During the whole process of making a perfect video, I think some steps are difficult. For example, matching the music with the pictures or audio film, not only choosing a song, but deciding where the music should start and end. A good video should have a fluent sequencing of background music as well as the content, example of reflection paper about a video.

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How to Write a Reflection Essay

, time: 5:53

Reflecting on Reflections: Using Video in Learning Reflection to Enhance Authenticity /

example of reflection paper about a video

Writing a reflection paper on a movie gift you the opportunity to express your unique opinions, experiences, and thoughts towards the movie. Also, so long as you stay relevant to the subject, you can choose to interact with the readers by vividly describing relatable personal experiences. In your expression of the ideas, feelings, and opinions Example Of Reflection Paper About A Video - Sp3 Midterm Reflection Essay. Besides schoolwork, writing reflective essays on movies is a great way for students to enhance. For instance, you may tell them about a certain situation and then write, whether you During the second video reflection, we gave students photographs of themselves at work during the camp. Figure 3 shows an example of a photograph that was used as a prompt. In this video reflection in particular, students expressed surprise and amazement at

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